Sunday, September 13, 2009

prima giorni in famiglia ospitante!

ciao!! sono molto felice! ma sono molto stanca! non io italiano molto bene ma ortigia e' stoprendere. io vedere bella viale e piazza! 
ora per inglese

today was an up and down day.. i went through a sad patch because i couldn't understand anyone but then relalised there is nothing that i can do so i should just open my mind and try my hardest! it was 26 degrees today. this is apparently cold in Sicilia and i got many weird looks as i walked around in shorts while everyone else was in jeans. ortigia is beautiful. i really can't describe it. it's an incredibly old part of siracusa. everything is crumbled but in an authentic amazing way. the tiles on the roofs are so colourful! they have bars over every window to stop theifs which kinda makes everything look a bit like a prison i mean what happens if there is a fire...
but once you get used to it, it really is amazing. you definatly can't walk bare footed.. the tiles are very uneven and everyone walks on the roads anyway. noone was kidding about italian drivers.. our bus driver in rome nearly crashed twice. 

it feels like i ahve been here longer then a day. my host mum(adele) is so nice and tolerates my lack of italian. and my host father(enzo) treats me like his own daughter. he can thankfully speak some english.

i'm still terrified about school which starts on tuesday as i am in the last year! (which means i am in university level in nz education...) so that should be fun. i am worried about meeting people but my cousin(luca) says not to worry as people will like me because i am forgeign. i also fournd out that sicilian dialect is like a whole other language and of course only the teenagers speak it.. 
luca is taking me out tonight to meet some of his friends and we are going to the centre of siracusa which is a big big city.. i am really looking forward to that.

today me and adele went for a walk around ortigia and went for a swim in the beach that is in the photo on my blog. it really looks like that and is beautiful. along with everythinig else.everything is white... or and off shade of white or orange.. but you get what i mean. its so luminous everywhere you go..  adele kept joking with me that i am white.. although now i have slightly tanned shoulders.. and also that i brought the bad weather with me.. it rained for 10minutes today. the first time in 2 months.. and apparently you guys had lovely weather today form what i heard from david. this is the part where you should be thankful that i have left.

i didn't really say anything about orientation on my last blog so i shall now since i have time.
I reallly met some awesome people. a girl from chch is about an hr away from me in catania and her and me are very good friends. it is funny how i feel i have known these people forever just because we are going through the same thing. and josh, the only guy outta all of nz going to italia is in palermo which is 3 hours away same with amelia.

at orientation there were 400 people from everywhere. the finland and denmark girls were awesome and the swedan guys were hilarous. the orientation itself was boring but the opportunity to meet all these people from around the world... 

i am still suffering a lot from jet lag after the 30hour flight here. since we are 10hrs behind it's very disorientating..

omg the food!!! today at lunch we had ricotta and this pressed pasta thing. and then swordfish pasta. yes swordfish!! i thought it was chicken.. then we had dessert which was chocolate gelato wrapped in solid white creamy type thing covered in chocolate and nuts.. it was soooooo good. like 20 times better then kaffee eils.. jealous?

so yeah i miss home but im not going to be sad about it. italy is so beautiful and firneds it really isn't to late to do this.. it is so worth it and i've only been here for one week. its gonna be the best experience of my life!

and yes i have met the italian male! i got wolf whistled at and got called bambina which means baby. they then got an evil look from adele. also my first insult in italia from josh. he called all the nz girls butch at rome airport. he was joking but we hold it over his head.

 just went out with luca and met all his friends. it was so fun! and they were so awesome and had a good laugh over my lack of italian. i found one girl who is in my year going to my school so i am not too scared now. didn't have to pay for a thing. ooh the chilvary of italian males. hahaha nah they were really sweet!

so if i talk to you and i am down just tell me to take a cup of concrete(thank you jordan) and get on with it because the more happier i am the better the experience i will ahve.

ciao!! a presto!! Ti voglio bene/amo!


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