Tuesday, September 15, 2009

prima giorni del scuola!!

So today was my first day of school! in italy the teachers move around the class and the students stay put. my school starts at 8 and finishes at 12:30. so we ahve a 15minutes break. there are 5 lessons in a day and i am in my last year of school.

so today i had maths... we  were doing calculus.... now calculus is hard enough in nz.. but in italy in italian and probably at a higher level then what the year 13's study... its crazy. i sit there and smile.. 
the teachers are really nice. before every class they spend about 10mintues talking with the students. the students also respect the teachers far more then what we do in nz. we stand everytime someone enters the room and noone speaks while the teacher does unless it is a conversational topic. in my class there are 3 other girls. i sit next to someone called marta. she is lovely but very shy. and so we sit almost in silence because i can barely commuicate with her. but luckily she has adopted me into her group. they are very nice!! pretty much everyone smokes and i get offered one regulary but don't worry i always turn it down.

my english and physics teachers are awesome!! physics is hilarous and the teacher is soo nice to me and always tries to talk to me. he is the only teacher that speaks slowly. 

the school is very old. along with everything else and is quite white. there are a lot of pictures though. you can definalty tell different cliques... the popular girls dress up amazingly for school while everyone else wears jeans...

i feel my italian getting better every day and i'm becoming more confident. adele is very patient and my classmates are really nice but still speak sooo fast!

note for mum: if you are reading this im not sure if i will be home when you call. adele is taking me with her to visit some friends and i can't remember what time you were gonna call. sorry! i love you!

ciao e a presto!


  1. Darling Natalie. Keep it up. We are enthralled by your reports. Everyone sounds so nice. Your teachers here will get a shock when you treat them politely after you get home after a year of Italian schooling. We send our love. Grandma and Grandpa.

  2. so... what subjects are you taking?? And do you mean english as in study literature or english as in our french? Where the italians learn english.


  3. hey!! grandma grandpa!! i always am nice to my teachers!!! with the exception of one..

    and kate im taking filosofia, inglese, italiano, disegno, matematics, religone,fisica,scienze,latino,storia,classico.
    we don't get to choose subjects..
