Sunday, September 6, 2009

Italy hit.

So at the moment i am trying to scan this nice photo of me on the computer instead of having none and its not working and its frustrating me and it hits me..

this is my second to last day in nz. and tomorrow will be my last.
so now im venting all my fears on this poor printer which isn't scanning my stupid photo.

it really does hit you suddenly... i mean i started crying yesterday while cleaning the handbasin... because it was the last time. i mean how crazy is that!!!! who starts crying while wiping toothpaste!

so there is two days... and i feel so unprepared.

shit i haven't packed...

and I'm really panicing about being on a plane for 24hours... i hate flying and i hate sitting... i can't sit through a movie. i really feel sorry for the person next to me...

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