Saturday, September 12, 2009


So i have entered Italy!! us new zealanders ahd the furthest to travel with 30 hours... which sucked. but i met so many awesome people from new zealand and australia! we spent he whole 2 days mocking each other.

the views from rome were amazing. unfortunaly we weren't in the city and didn't get to see any of the sites but i saw the vaican church from afar!! the food is amazing. i mean noone is exaggerating when they come to italy and say that. and the fruit is so juicy ah!! im gonna get fat!!

oreientation camp was awesome with over 400 people from around the world going to italy! out of all the nz's we had one guy named josh and he was fun to mock.  it was really unfar how you connected and made friends with so many people only to be split up again... thats when we really felt the homesickness... 

so now im in sicily. my house is amazing and my host parents are to..the brought me ooo many clothes i would hate to think of how much they spent since everything is desigener over here. origia is the most beautiful place ever. i will put photos on facebook when i ahve the time.

it's really exhausting ahving to continually think in another language, especailly one you barely know.. i ahve scjool on monday. im really pancing aboutthe
so italy is 10hr behind nz... so im off to bed now. i don't feel i've said much because ia hve done soooooo much.

i do love you guys. ad sorry if i don't get in much contact coz even writing this, knowing that yo uys will be reading it makes me homesick..

i love you!!

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